Emulating the IBM 1130Want to have an 1130 of your own? They're hard to find these days, but... you can have the next best thing: an emulated 1130 to run on your very own PC. We have developed an IBM 1130 emulator based on Bob Supnik's SIMH package (see http://simh.trailing-edge.com/). The emulator simulates an 1131 processor with up to 32KW of memory, the console keyboard and printer, 1132 printer, 1442 card read/punch, and up to five disk drives. It's a work in progress, but it runs Disk Monitor System Release 2 Version 12, and it's pretty fun. You can download the emulator from http://ibm1130.org/ibm1130.zip. It's been tested on Windows, Unix, Linux and VMS. Included in the download file is another zip file (ibm1130software.zip) that includes:
The documentation is not yet complete. The file "readme1130.txt" describes how to run the sample programs. The Word file ibm1130.doc, which is unfinished, is the beginning of a detailed emulator and DMS reference. The final documentation will be distributed as a PDF file. Have fun, let us know what you think of it, and check back with us regularly for updates! |